Compono Engage & Compono Hire
Getting Started as a Candidate
- Updating and deleting your CV
- Preferred work environment
- Share your online portfolios and profiles with employers
- Job Happiness
- Applying for a job - Quick Start Guide
- Personal Details
Troubleshooting for Candidates
- I don’t think my profile is matching to jobs
- I can't find my Institution on the Qualifications page
- I can’t find a job that I applied for in my active applications
- Can I re-enable my profile to match to other jobs after I have been hired?
- Relocation select and work authorisation
- I can't upload my CV
FAQs for Candidates
- If I decline a job invitation, will I continue to match with other open jobs?
- Completing my Compono profile and applying for a job
- What is my profile and why is it important
- How do I know I have applied?
- What is an invitation?
- I forgot to add something to my application, can I add it after I have applied?