In Clui, you can create various reports about your learning space and its users from the Reports page.
When you create a report, the report appears on the MY REPORTS tab. Users with permission to view all reports in your learning space (not just their own) can also access (and edit, depending on their permissions) your reports from the ALL REPORTS tab.
Likewise, you can view and edit reports created by other users in your learning space on the ALL REPORTS tab.
Note: Reporting abilities depend on the report permissions enabled in your access level. For more information about access levels, see 'Understanding access levels in Clui.'
Refer to the following sections for more information:
For information about downloading certificates for a course, see 'Downloading course certificates'.
Report types
The following report types are available:
- Course Enrolments: Report on the enrolments and related information for a single course, a module within a single course, multiple courses, or all courses in your learning space. Optionally filter by status and group, and expand the additional filters to filter by items such as enrolment and completion dates, email address, and account status. You also have the option to create a 'detailed enrolment report' for modular-level insight into the course progress of a single learner. For more information, see 'Managing course enrolments for learners'.
- User Information: Report on the users in your learning space according to email address, account status and group. Expand the additional filters to report on information such as signup and last login date, roles, and any custom fields you have set up for users in your learning space. For more information, see 'Managing users in your learning space'.
- Form Values: Report on the data collected from a Form module in a course. Optionally filter by email address or date. Please note, to capture form responses from the current day, you must enter a future date (for instance, the next day) into the 'Completion date' and 'Last updated' date fields. For more information, see 'Adding a form to a course'.
- Sales: Report on the purchases made in your learning space. Optionally filter by date and email address. For more information, see 'Selling courses on Clui'. This report type is only visible if you sell courses.
- AVETMISS: Compile all learner, course and learning space AVETMISS data into NAT files which you can submit to NCVER for RTO reporting. This report type is only visible if AVETMISS support is turned on for your learning space. For more information, see 'Setting up courses for AVETMISS reporting'.
Creating reports
To create a report:
- Click Reports in the header menu.
- Click Create Report.
- Select the type of report you want to create.
- Provide additional report details as required (these options depend on the report type you select).
- Optionally select Include disabled users if you want to report on users who are no longer active in your learning space.
- Optionally, schedule the report to be emailed to certain users as frequently as required.
- Click Create report.
Your report is generated. Depending on the size of the report, it is available immediately or you are notified by email when it is ready.
Scheduling reports
Scheduled reports enable you to periodically regenerate reports and email them to an unlimited number of recipients. You can set up to five schedules per report.
To schedule a report, click Add a schedule, select the interval and add the email addresses of the report recipients. By default, all scheduled reports are sent at 12:00AM AEST.
Managing reports
The following actions are available for each report on the Reports page of your learning space:
- Download report - downloads the report to your device as an Excel spreadsheet.
- Re-generate - updates the report with the latest data.
- Edit - opens the edit modal so you can modify the report settings.
- Delete - removes the report from the list of reports on the Reports page for your learning space.
To perform one of these actions, hover over a report in the list, click the menu icon that appears, then select the required action from the list.
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