⭐️ Event attendance list export
You can now export a list of event attendees, from the course insights page. The report will be emailed to you as soon as it’s generated. You can export all event attendees, or filter by event session.
⭐️ Custom fields on event sessions
Custom fields now allow you to add custom information to particular events sessions.For example, you may wish to add a custom field for meeting room in order to specific a different meeting room for each event session.
⭐️ Mandatory courses
Courses can now be set to “mandatory” in the course settings, which can be reported on, so you can see how many optional and mandatory courses your users and groups have completed out of their enrolments. By default, all courses will be optional.
The People page will now scroll horizontally as you add custom fields, so you can view all your user data with ease. We’ll be adding more functionality to this page over the coming weeks.
Bug Fixes
Various bug fixes.
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