⭐️ User Groups
Our new grouping functionality allows you to configure your enterprise to align with your company hierarchy. Each group can have Custom Roles, giving you full control over the features and data your team has access to.
- The SCORM Module has been updated to show information about previously uploaded versions. There are also a number of SCORM Cloud settings now available to make sure your SCORM Modules work correctly.
- The Embed Module has become the Web Object Module. This new module now allows you to upload a .zip file containing web content, which will be hosted in Clui. If you have static HTML content, the Web Object module is a great alternative to the SCORM module.
- The People page has been updated to support custom User Groups. We've updated the layout of the page to a more minimal design to ensure the page is still easy to use with hundreds of groups. There's also a new way to filter the list of people, based on the groups that are selected.
- Another great part of User Groups are custom roles and permissions. All pages and features now have an associated permission, allowing for unlimited customisation of user roles.
Bug Fixes
- Various bug fixes
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