Clui enables you to use quizzes to test the knowledge of your learners at the end of a module or course.
Follow these steps to add a Quiz module to a course:
- Complete the usual steps to create a course.
- Click Add Module in the section of the course where you want to include the quiz, and click Quiz.
- Give the module a name and optionally turn on the Description toggle and provide some information about the quiz for your learners.
- Indicate how the quiz is assessed:
- Standard - Allows you to specify a percentage of the questions that must be answered correctly for a learner to pass the quiz.
- Weighted - Allows you to give each question a score and set an overall score that must be achieved for a learner to pass the quiz.
- Optionally turn the Randomise Questions toggle on if you want the order of the questions within the quiz to change.
- Click Add a question and complete the New Question form to define the question:
- Select the question type (single or multiple answer).
- Enter the question and optionally turn on the Instruction toggle and provide instructions for your learners. A 255 character limit applies to each question.
- Add answers and indicate which questions are correct (can be one or more). A 255 character limit applies to each answer.
- Optionally turn on the Shuffle order of answers toggle.
- If the quiz is weighted, assign a number of points to the question.
- Click Save.
- Repeat step 6 (and the sub-steps) for each question in your quiz.
- Click Scoring Settings and define how the quiz is scored:
- Specify the percentage a learner must achieve to pass the quiz.
- Provide a heading for when learners pass the quiz and optionally turn on the Pass Description toggle and enter a description.
- Provide a heading for when learners fail the quiz and optionally turn on the Fail Description toggle and enter a description for your learners.
- Optionally turn on the Show results overview and Allow user to see correct answers toggles.
- Indicate what should happen when a learner fails the quiz (Prevent from continuing, Allow retry, or Allow to continue).
- Click Save (or Back to Quiz Builder if you want to make changes before submitting the quiz).
The quiz is added to the course.
For more information, see 'Adding modules to a course'.
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