Using an Approval module, you can prevent learners from continuing a course until a nominated user within your learning space has approved their progress.
Note: Users can be selected to perform approvals if their access level includes the permission to perform approvals.
Follow these steps:
- Complete the usual steps to create a course.
- Click Add Module in the section of the course where learners need to be approved before proceeding, then click Approval.
- Give the module a title and description (to be displayed to learners when submitting their approval request).
- In the Approvers section, select one or more of the following options:
- Approval by manager - sends approvals to the learner's manager (as configured on the learner's user account page). If the learner doesn't have a primary manager, their secondary manager receives the request. For more information, see 'Allocating primary and secondary managers to users in your learning space'.
- Approval by user - sends approvals to selected users. To be an approver, users must have permission to perform approvals in their learning space access level. Select one or more users from the list.
- Approval by group access level - sends approvals to users with a selected group access level. Select one or more group access levels from the list.
- Click Save.
The Approval module is added to the course. For more information about learning space or group access levels, see 'Understanding access levels in Clui'.
Note: If a learner requests approval but no user meets the criteria to perform the approval, an email is sent to the learning space owner and the support email address, notifying them of the request.
For more information about course modules, see 'Adding modules to a course'. If you are required to approve the progress of learners, see 'Performing approvals or assessments'.
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