In Clui, your learning space settings are where you can set up and customise your learning space, as well as view billing and activity information.
Note: To access learning space settings in Clui, you must have 'Learning space settings' enabled in your learning space access level.
Click the arrow at the top-right of the window (next to your account name) and select Learning space settings.
Your learning space settings consist of the following tabs:
- LEARNING SPACE DETAILS - Specify information related to your company or organisation, for example, address and contact details, support contact email address, and home page customisation.
- AVETMISS - Specify information required to generate AVETMISS Nat files. Please note, this tab is only available if you have requested for it to be switched on by Clui for RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and VET (Vocational Education and Training) purposes. For information about using AVETMISS functionality in Clui, see 'Setting up courses for AVETMISS reporting'.
- WEBHOOKS - Create and manage webhooks to send data from Clui to other web applications.
- BILLING INFO - Manage the payment card connected to your Clui subscription, view and download invoices, and set up Stripe if you want to sell content on Clui.
- SETTINGS - Configure access to your learning space and support team and set your landing page
- ACCESS LEVELS - Set and manage user permissions within your learning space and in groups.
- ACTIVITY LOG - View a record of the activity within your learning space.
- CUSTOMISATION - Manage course settings such as layout, set branding and colours for your learning space, and add customary items including roles, fields, and course categories.
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