If certain users in your learning space require a different subset of permissions and abilities than the default 'Learner' and 'Administrator' options, you may want to create a new learning space or group access level for them.
Alternatively, if they've already been assigned a non-default access level and you want to update it, see 'Making changes to the permissions of users in your learning space'.
Note: For more information about learning space and group access levels, see 'Understanding access levels in Clui'.
Follow these steps to create a new access level:
- Click the arrow next to your account name in the top-right corner of Clui and select Learning space settings.
- Change to the ACCESS LEVELS tab.
- Depending on the type of access level you want to create, click + New learning space access level (on the LEARNING SPACE ACCESS LEVELS tab) or change to the GROUP ACCESS LEVELS tab and click + New group access Level.
- Give the new access level a name.
- Select an existing access level to be the base set of permissions for the new access level to inherit.
- Click Save.
- Select or clear the checkboxes for each category of access depending on the permissions and abilities you want users with the new access level to have.
- Click Save.
The new learning space or group access level is created.
To apply the new access level to users in your learning space, see 'Setting access levels for users in your learning space'.
For information about configuring course-related permissions on a modular-level, see 'Limiting the module permissions of course administrators'.
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